OneClickMoney is a multinational finance company, now available in the Philippines. We are an effective assistant in all your financial matters. You will be advised and guided carefully on how to create a loan.
Group 8 Created with Sketch. Loans granted 10 000 Review Time 15 min Loans approved 87% Satisfied customers 9 973 Why we are?
OneClickMoney service will bring you financial solutions easily and quickly: Get started by completing the online registration application, and we will review and transfer money to your bank account within 24 hours.
Why do customers choose OneClickMoney service?
It takes only 5 minutes to complete the registration form and our online consulting team will answer all issues immediately.
We understand you want money fast.
So online registration application includes only 3 simple steps and your documents data.
With our online loans service, you don't need to go to the bank, stand in line or call anyone. Just send information from your phone or computer / tablet. So all the financial problems are solved.
We always advise and support customers throughout the process: from filing to final payment. We will remind you every month when you need to pay and support you if you can't pay on time.
OneClickMoney operates in Philippine territory & complies with its laws. We provide the highest quality services to Filipinos in order to develop financial markets.